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Explore Our Ministries To Find Events And Groups Just For You

Children's Ministry endeavours to provide club-based interactions employ relevant, life-applicable lessons according to God’s Words.

To be a team of women who are Christ centered, spiritually empowered, willing and ready to develop the kingdom of God. To be responsive to each other's needs, the church and the wider community.

Our vision is to extend ourselves by exercising our love to the homeless, prisoners and to the most vulnerable in our communities. Also, to help each other to grow in faith because we want persons to experience the gift of giving through us.

The vision of this ministry is to be a transformational one that strengthens marriages which are built on
the solid foundation of Christ.

To empower our men to impact their families, work place and the wider communities in a positive way.

Our vision is to promote a spirit-led ministry driven by the passion to impact the lives of our young people to be optimally rounded, creative and productive citizens in Christ.

To minister to the holistic needs of singles by creating a support framework that facilitates their development into well rounded and balanced individuals: who are firmly committed to Christ, are equipped with important life skills, are able to find emotional and social support by connecting with other singles and participating in social engagements designed to benefit the whole man.

Our Vision is to be obedient to the Holy Spirit and through our obedience, transform the lives of individuals. Ultimately, our vision is to lead sinners to Christ by giving them the opportunity to view Christianity through the lens of authentic, spirit-led worship.

It is our aim as a Christian Institution to reach a number of teenagers in our communities so as to provide guidance and spiritual mentoring. As a result, our teenagers will develop and mature into modest, sound-minded adults with a passion for Christ.

To Sustain and maintain christian principles and to foster a collaborative and healthy relationship among seniors